Ease Into Tech

with Zee

My Experience Designing in WordPress

When I was approached to speak at the WordPress Singapore meetup, I immediately thought of sharing my experience in designing in WordPress.  My husband and I had been running our own brand design company since we were dating in the early 2000s. I started offering website design services built on WordPress from 2009. In those […]

How I Fix My Website Core Web Vitals

Is your WordPress website loading so slowly that you have been searching for “how to fix my website”? Or perhaps you have gotten tips to fix your website but they sound confusing, making you overwhelmed?  In my own research, I realized most website fix articles are very technical.  In this article, I hope the analogies […]

11 Things To Consider When Building A Website (2022)

Have you been wondering about the things to consider when building a website?  Are you setting up a website for your blog or are you trying to build awareness for your brand? Or perhaps you want to set up a website to sell your products or services?  Whichever it is, there are a number of […]